Is It Worth Traveling to Find a Plastic Surgeon?

By: Carl Lentz, M.D.

Many people choose a plastic surgeon based on how close the practice is to their homes. But when it comes to a life-transforming procedure such as plastic surgery, it may be worth traveling to find the right person. There are many plastic surgeons in Central Florida, for example, yet I have patients who travel the extra distance to my Orlando-area practice because they want the skills and experience I have to offer.

For patients visiting from out of town, many surgeons provide travel information on their websites, including tips about convenient lodging, transportation and nearby airports. You can usually find this information under tabs such as “Patient Resources” or “Your First Visit.”

Benefits of Destination Surgery

Traveling to a specific plastic surgery practice has many advantages, including:

  • Working with a qualified surgeon who understands your goals for surgery
  • Receiving top-notch care
  • Feeling confident in your surgeon and the expected results
  • Recovering in the privacy of an anonymous location
  • Enjoying results you love

Traveling for the Lowest Price

Although I do recommend traveling to find a surgeon who is a good fit, I do not suggest searching for the “cheapest deal.” Cutting corners is dangerous and may lead you to an under-qualified surgeon. If you are concerned about financing your procedure, speak with your surgeon to work out a realistic payment plan. The results will be worth the investment.