A Rhytidectomy Makes Aging Signs Vanish

Getting older takes a toll on the skin. As skin elasticity declines with age, the skin droops and develops fine lines and deep furrows. These issues are compounded by factors like stress, pollution, hormone issues, heredity, and lack of exercise.

Wrinkles and sagging skin make a person look older than they really are, causing their confidence to ebb and their depression to grow. But if your heart is still young, there is no reason why your face should be any different. A rhytidectomy, also known as a facelift, offers the perfect solution to excess loose skin and wrinkles.

The Facelift

The facelift is a cosmetic treatment used to tighten sagging skin and smooth away wrinkles on the face, giving it a healthier and more youthful appearance. Several surgical techniques can be employed depending upon the patient’s requirements. Generally, excess skin and fat are removed and the facial muscles are tightened. Specific areas of the face can be addressed in order to achieve the patient’s aesthetic goals.

Some people choose to have an eye lift and/or skin-rejuvenation treatment in addition to their facelift in order to achieve more comprehensive revitalization.

How Is It Done?

Before a surgery date can be scheduled, the patient must meet with Dr. Lentz for a consultation. This step is essential for an effective facelift. During the consultation, Dr. Lentz and the patient will discuss the types of facelift available and the patient’s anesthesia options.

After a discussion about the patient’s requirements, medical history, and goals, a physical examination will be performed. Once these steps have been completed, Dr. Lentz will decide on the proper mode of treatment and schedule the procedure.

At the start of the facelift procedure, anesthesia is administered. Though local anesthesia with sedation is often sufficient, longer and more complicated procedures sometimes demand general anesthesia.

The incision for the surgery is then made. It typically starts from the hairline near the temple, proceeds down between the ear and the cheek, goes behind the earlobe, and terminates in the hairline of the lower scalp.

Through this incision, Dr. Lentz can access the underlying tissues to remove the excess fat, tighten the facial muscles, and trim away the surplus skin. The skin is then redraped, the incision is sutured closed, and the area is bandaged. Drain tubes may or may not be placed; these are used to carry out excess fluids to avoid complications.

Post-Surgical Recovery

To get the best results from a facelift, the pre- and post-operative instructions should be followed to the letter. This will also ensure that the recovery is as quick and as free of complications as possible.

Temporary facial bruising and swelling after surgery is normal. These issues can be controlled with the aid of cold compresses and by keeping your head elevated at all times. Do not take part in any physically taxing activities for six to eight weeks after the procedure. It’s likely that you will be able to return to work in around fourteen days, depending on the type of work.

Set Up a Consultation

For more information on facelifts, contact our office and arrange a consultation. Dr. Carl Lentz, an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, will be available to answer any questions you may have and get you started on the journey to a more youthful face.