When the first signs of the aging process crop up, they usually form on the forehead and brow area. They appear in the form of drooping eyebrows and a number of unwanted forehead wrinkles. A brow lift is done to smooth out the forehead and elevate the eyebrows for a fresher and younger-looking appearance.
Ideal Candidates for the Brow Lift
Traditional brow-lift surgery is ideal for patients with excessive sagging and wrinkling of the skin on their forehead. People with sagging eyebrows that lack definition are also good candidates.
This procedure is suited for anybody with thick hair, since the procedure raises the hairline. Patients with high foreheads and receding hairlines may require alternative brow-lift techniques.
The Brow-Lift Procedure
The traditional brow-lift procedure allows a great deal of control to brow position and the opportunity to affect more dramatic changes that still look quite natural.
It begins with the administration of anesthesia in order to ensure that the patient is comfortable during the procedure and free of any pain. In some cases, general anesthesia is used, and in others, IV sedation and local anesthesia are used. The best option for your case will be decided during your consultation with Dr. Lentz.
A brow lift involves making a long incision either at the patient’s hairline or right behind it. The surgical procedure may require hair to be shaved. After an incision is made within the hairline, the removal of excess skin takes place. The tissues beneath the skin are also adjusted. To complete the procedure, the incision is closed with the help of surgical sutures.
The Post-Surgical Recovery Process
After your brow-lift procedure is complete, you will be able to return home. You may need a friend or family member to give you a ride, so make sure to arrange for it in advance.
During the course of your recovery process, the most important thing to remember is that Dr. Lentz’s post-surgical care instructions should be followed as closely as possible. When you follow these directions carefully, you will have a shorter recovery period and will be lowering the risk of any complications.
Brow-lift patients will have to return for a follow-up appointment to have their stitches removed. It will be vital that you keep the incision location clean during your recovery period in order to avoid infections or other complications. Some caution is advised while washing the hair in order to not disturb the incision.
Avoid any strenuous physical activities like heavy exercise and sports during your recovery, as these have the potential to negatively affect the healing process of your incisions. Antibiotics will need to be taken in order to prevent the risk of infections, and painkillers may need to be taken in order to help with post-operative discomfort.
Set Up a Consultation to Learn More
Speaking with Dr. Carl Lentz, an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, is the best way to find out if the brow lift is the right rejuvenation procedure for you. Schedule your consultation by contacting our office.