Fall 2010 Newsletter

Welcome to Our First Issue!

In our inaugural issue you’ll find information about Lentz Plastic Surgery as well as our latest offers and specials. Fall is the perfect time to consider a cosmetic procedure, including one of the many non-surgical options we offer so you can look your very best in time for the holidays.

Mark your calendar…October 20 from 9:00 to 4:00 is Artefill® Day at our practice, with $200 savings for one day only. RSVP today – limited space is available!

We appreciate you joining our email list and hope you enjoy our newsletters. If you have a topic you’d like to see covered, don’t hesitate to contact us with your suggestions.

Artefill® Day

On October 20, 2010 from 9:00am to 4:00pm, we’re offering $200 off Artefill, the longest lasting dermal filler on the market. On this special day, you can get a free allergy skin test or even have your treatment if you’ve already completed your Artefill skin test.

Artefill is FDA approved, stimulates your own natural collagen and lasts for years. It is truly the longest lasting and most natural looking filler on the market. Our regular price for one syringe is $1,000 but on this day only we will be offering Artefill for $800 per syringe.

Space is limited. Reserve your spot today by calling 386.252.8051.

Injectable Fillers for a Quick “Pick Me Up”

As you gear up for the holidays, you might be finding yourself feeling a little tense and stressed. Whether you’re preparing food, sending invitations, or spending a little extra time in front of the mirror, you want everything to come together perfectly.

If you want to look refreshed (and don’t want that holiday stress to show), consider injectable fillers. These fillers can soften wrinkles, restore youthful contours, or enhance your lips. Treatments take only minutes and results can be seen immediately.

While many women and men have heard of BOTOX® Cosmetic in Daytona Beach, FL, many people are not as aware of the benefits of injectable fillers. We offer all of the most popular injectables, including:

  • Restylane and Perlane®
  • Artefill®
  • Sculptra®

At our practice, all filler injections are performed by Natalie Eisenhut, a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner. To discover what injectable fillers can do for you, request a consultation online or call our office at 386.252.8051 to learn more about your options.

Face Lift & Fat Grafting

You’ve probably heard about face lifts, but what you may not know is that Dr. Lentz often combines this procedure with a new technique to create an even more youthful appearance. Known as fat grafting, this technique is an alternative to dermal fillers that uses your own purified fat tissue. The face lift itself can tighten facial skin, remove wrinkles, and smooth out your jaw line, but fat grafting adds an important bonus: volume enhancement for the face and lips.

How fat grafting works: Using liposuction, Dr. Lentz extracts fat cells from an area such as the hips or stomach. He then purifies these cells before placing them in areas of the face with a sunken or “hollow” appearance – often the cheeks, chin and lines around the mouth – or even in the lips for a fuller look.

Fat grafting benefits: Enhancing facial volume plays a significant role in helping you look younger. And while some of the transferred fat cells will not survive, most will, resulting in a long-lasting increase in facial fullness. This is a big advantage of fat grafting over temporary injectables.

Fat grafting results: Take a second to see just a few of our patients who’ve had a face lift combined with fat grafting. See photos here and pay particular attention to the more full and smooth facial appearance these patients have following surgery. If you’d like more info about fat grafting, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 386.252.8051 or contact us online.